
Monday, June 24, 2024

Not Ready

I am not ready for it to be Monday, and I was not ready for Isabella to wake me up. I’m not sure what time she began trying to wake me, but I refused to get up before 5 am. I’m trying to train her, but I suspect it will be a futile attempt. She can be extremely stubborn.

Whether I’m ready for it or not, Monday is here, and I have to go to work. It’s going to be a very busy week. The current exhibit in the museum will be coming down, so we will all be busy helping with that. In addition to that, I’m on two hiring committees for jobs in another department, and we have a slate of virtual interviews for the second position (we did virtual interviews for the other one last week). I also have to call references for one of last week’s candidates. On top of all that, I have some evening tours to do. It’s going to be a busy week, and I’m just not ready for it.


  1. Joe, you will get through Monday. It's well known that to get anything it's best to ask a busy man who has good time control.

  2. ¡Ánimo José, tu puedes con este lunes y con cualquier lunes!



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