
Monday, July 8, 2024

Busy Start

Today will be a busy and long day. I’m on the search committee for a job in another department, and our first on-campus interview is today. The interview will start around 10 am and will take up most of the rest of my work day. I’ve also been tasked with taking the candidate to dinner this evening. Needless to say, it’s going to be a long day.

I’m taking a day off tomorrow. I’ll be seeing my new neurologist. Originally, this appointment was set for October 31, but luckily, it was able to be moved up. I hope all will go well, and I’ll like the new doctor. The first replacement for my old neurologist was okay, but not too impressive. However, she did not stay at the Headache Clinic very long. So, I’ll see how this new one will be.

The rest of the week should be a bit easier. Other than a staff meeting on Wednesday afternoon, I have nothing else on my schedule, and for the first time in weeks, I have no projects on the horizon. I’ll probably be sending out invitations for speakers for the museum’s fall and spring programs. I have two commitments for the fall, I just have to nail down dates. I have other possibilities, and now I have to see if they are willing, available, and when.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


  1. I hope you have a great day and a great week.

  2. No comments on the French and UK elections?

  3. Michael, I don't often comment on elections in other countries, though I'm glad that the conservative parties lost in both France and the UK. I'l be honest, I have not been watching much news. I find the US news to be disturbing, and it's just too depressing. The Democrats seem to be imploding, and the Republicans are goose-stepping behind a madman. I hope that the victories in the UK and France are a sign of conservative decline everywhere.

  4. In France, the extreme right ( very conservative ) is certainly beaten, the left is the largest group, fragmented and with extreme elements.
    None of the 3 major groups (right, center and left) has an absolute majority.
    I hope that the center can expand with reasonable men from the right and the left to become the majority.


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