
Friday, July 5, 2024


When I was growing up, the Fourth of July was always one of my favorite holidays. My grandfather had a large barbecue pit that he’d start getting ready early in the morning. He would always grill both pork and beef ribs. I always preferred the pork. He’d be joined by my dad and maybe one or two male cousins to help him barbecue the ribs. He would slowly cook the ribs to perfection.

My grandmother would be inside cooking everything that would go along with it. She’d start with a heating up a mixture of water, salt, vinegar, and butter in a sauce pan that she’d send out to my grandfather to baste the ribs with as they cooked. She’d also boil a huge pot of corn-on-the-cob, all fresh from their garden. She’d also make fresh lemonade, sweet iced tea, and prepare the barbecue sauce. 

While she was doing this, my mother would get the baked beans ready to go in the oven. Usually, my mother also made two large bowls of coleslaw before we left home. She made two because she made one with tomatoes and one without. She’s the only person I knew who’d use tomatoes in coleslaw, but some in our family loved the tomatoes. My sister and I didn’t, this the reason for the second bowl without.

Family came from as far away as Tennessee and Florida. Nearly all of my paternal grandfather’s family came for the Fourth of July barbecue. They’d bring with them a wide variety side dishes and salad (traditional, fruit, congealed, and/or pasta), and almost everyone brought a dessert. There would be so cakes, pies, and confectionery concoctions that always seem to pop up as popular around the Fourth, usually with a red, white, and blue theme. Someone would also bring plates, cups, and ice. 

Speaking of ice, I had one cousin who constantly ate ice because she believed she’d spontaneously combust if she stopped. She was not joking either. She really believed this. She was also from the crazier side of the family, those who lived in Florida of course. She had married into the family. Very sweet, but crazy as a loon. My Florida cousins would also stop at the Creek Family Restaurant in Atmore, Alabama, to buy some bread, which they were quite well known for. It was owned by the Poarch Creek Indians who had a nearby reservation. I’m pretty sure that the restaurant is now closed since they built the casino there instead. Just in case they didn’t stop to get some of this bread, my grandmother would also get a few loaves of B-B-Q bread, which was basically thick cut white bread topped with sesame seeds.

Most people would stay all afternoon and visit. My grandmother would usually make some ice cream. She made the best ice cream. I can still remember that avocado green ice cream maker that was about the size of a five gallon bucket. Vanilla was always my favorite, but if someone else brought their ice cream maker, she might also make peach or chocolate ice cream. There was also usually a watermelon cut up at some point. In the evening, we’d shoot off fireworks.

It was always such a special day. In the last years of his life, my grandfather had cancer and was in the final stages when the Fourth of July and could not get out of bed. Everyone came and my dad did the barbecuing that year. My grandfather was bedridden and barely able to eat anything, but he enjoyed having everyone there. It was the last time we all gathered like that, and he passed away later that month. Some people say that family members in the final stages of life will hold on through Christmas holidays, but my grandfather held on for the Fourth of July. 

Each year, if I can, I make barbecue ribs, corn-on-the-cob, baked beans, and slaw to remember those wonderful times so many years ago. I don’t have a barbecue grill, but I make do. This year I made the ribs in the slow cooker and finished them under the broiler. They turned out wonderfully. They are such happy memories, and I try not to dwell on that final gathering. Granddaddy would want me to only remember the good times, and they were great memories.

I hope all those who celebrate it had a wonderful Fourth of July!

I can’t forget the Isabella pic of the week!


  1. It wasn't you and Isabella on "One More Day" the 3 ?

  2. No, uvdp, that was not me and Isabella. Isabella won’t cuddle like that. My previous cat Victoria would, but not Her Majesty. She’ll only lay on top of me.

  3. Hello, Joe,

    I cooked yesterday for the 4th. I am a good cook. You name it, I can put my foot in it.

    I prefer country pork ribs to regular ribs with all the bones. I have never been one to play with my food. I just want to eat. I slow-baked the ribs and for the last 1/2 hour or so, I smothered them in store-bought BBQ sauce-Stubbs Orignal. I had potato salad and biscuits. Of course, they were store-bought. If I had company I would do everything from scratch. I tried a new way of cooking corn. I bought two fresh ears from Sprouts. I took one ear of corn, not shucked, and placed it in the microwave on high for four minutes. The ear turned out perfectly. Who knew. I saw a YouTube video on the technique. I had fresh locally made butter pecan ice cream and apple pie. I was happy with the meal.

    Since it is just me I do a lot of quality prepared meals. I do cook here and there. I love burgers, turkey burgers, spaghetti, baked chicken... Over the years, I have turned into one that does not like big meals. You know, the Thanksgiving meals where you are doubled over after the meal. I just don't like the feeling of being full. Satisfied yes but not full. And even the family feast you described in your post would send me over the edge. I would be the one looking over everything and picking a LITTLE of this and a LITTLE of that. Of course, I would splurge on dessert with a good cup of coffee or two.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. VRCooper somos muy parecidos ya que suelo comer poca cantidad, pero jamás me olvido del postre. En lo que no nos parecemos nada es en comer aves... Yo odio la carne de aves, pollo, pavo, etc., mi estómago se cierra ante una pechuga de pollo por muy buen cocinero que seas, lo siento.
    Me gusta mucho la descripción de la festividad y la comida que hace José, me hubiera gustado poder vivir un día como el que describe.
    José una pregunta: ¿En la ensalada de col añades mayonesa?
    Buen fin de semana para todos.


  5. Isabel está preciosa en esta foto


  6. Joe : Isabella is showing her claws, she's not going to hug you !

    VRCooper : Sweet cookies with potato salad ?!


  7. Hola Ángel,

    Me encanta la carne, pero no soy una gran consumidora de carne. Si me pones un filete grande delante, te preguntaría qué diablos quieres que haga con eso. Me encanta la carne, pero no necesito mucha de una sola vez.

    Para mí, puedo hacer una ensalada de col y agrego mayonesa. No demasiado mojado. Lo suficiente para mezclar/mantener las cosas juntas.

    Sí, nunca podremos olvidar el desierto. El banquete de Joe descrito sería el paraíso. Postres que nunca harías pero que puedes probar.

    Que tengas una buena semana. ¡¡Sigue así!!

  8. uvdp--

    Well, I would not eat potato salad and cookies at the same time. More like after the meal with a good cup of coffee.

  9. Nice view of the willing cook’s sweet cheeks :)
    Summer is a time for grilled steaks, green goddess salads, fresh lemonade and home-made icecream.


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