
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Moment of Zen: Naps

Sometimes, you just need a cat nap.


  1. I really like Zen moments with a cat ... unless the cat is white.

  2. Taking a nap is definitely underrated. I had an extended business trip to Brazil several years ago; like clockwork most folks took an afternoon nap as part of their lunch break. Normally, lunch lasted about two hours (1pm to 3pm). Even shops and government offices were closed.

    The host family that I stayed with always prepared a sumptuous lunch with all the trimmings. Lunch was our equivalent of dinner.

    After the big lunch meal, everyone lazily relaxed, or took a refreshing “cat nap” for about 30 - 45 minutes. Normally, I headef back to the office, and worked until about 7pm.

    Needless to say, I got accustomed to those midday naps.

  3. A naked nap can be very invigorating.

    1. Let’s face it: Nudity is great, but even better when sleeping — alone or with someone.

  4. Hermosos y adorables culos masculinos.
    Los amo a todos ellos y a sus dueños también.


  5. I take a naked nap every day 3 to 5 .
    Good for mind & overall body.


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