
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

New Neurologist

I had an appointment with my new neurologist yesterday. He’s from Mexico and has a heavy accent that was a tad bit difficult to understand at times. He speaks very quickly, and I swear he occasionally slipped into Spanish. However, he was very nice, patient-oriented, and kind of humorous. He was impressed that I was so knowledgeable about my migraines. 

When I discussed with him the different techniques of the ladies who’ve been doing my Botox, he told me that he’s found that some medical professionals don’t get the injections in the correct places. He said that when he comes across a patient who isn’t seeing significant results from Botox, he will ask where they get their injections, and he often ends up doing the Botox himself. He said that if I was getting better results from one than the other, stick to the good one, and I told him that’s what I did when I scheduled future appointments.

On top of everything else, he’s very good looking. Nice, handsome, sexy accent, caring…what more could you ask for? 😂 I’m fortunate with both of my male doctors fit that category. Well my primary physician just has a nice voice and doesn’t really have an accent, but you get the point. They both make my visits to them a pleasant experience. I’ve seen a lot of doctors in my lifetime, and few of them have had those characteristics.


  1. That's good news! Glad you're off to a good start with him.

  2. ¡¡¡Yo quiero conocer a uno de esos hermosos mĂ©dicos que atienden a JosĂ©!!!
    Sin verlos ya les amo.


  3. j'aimerais ĂȘtre dans le mĂȘme cas , mais les seuls spĂ©cialistes que je cĂŽtoie depuis peu sont dans le service Onco


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