
Thursday, August 29, 2024

Looking Forward

I’m looking forward to this weekend. I don’t have any plans, but it is Labor Day weekend which means I’ll be off work on Monday. I just have to make it through work today and then I don’t have to be back until Tuesday. It’s been a tense week at tue museum, and I’m frustrated with some people’s attitudes. They’ve purposely made it tense in the offices, and I wish they’d just get with the program and quit resisting any changes. Maybe, I just need a vacation, which is why four days in a row away from the museum will be nice.

I can just spend some time with Isabella. So, here’s your Isabella picture of the week:
I call this her invisibility cloak. She blends in so well, I don’t even see her sometimes when I’m not looking directly at her.


  1. Isabella is curled up like a hedgehog that makes you bristle every morning when you wake up .
    In Englies, a hedgehog that bristles = in french : un hérisson qui hérisse .

  2. beautiful picture today Have a great long weekend

  3. Isabel tiene la capa de invisibilidad de Harry Potter


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