
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Moment of Zen: National Black Cat Appreciation Day

National Black Cat Appreciation Day is on August 17 every year. It's not the same as National Black Cat Day, which falls on October 27. The goal of both holidays is to celebrate these sleek, beautiful creatures.

Of course, I have to include the most beautiful black cat:


  1. It's very interesting that so many black cats are willing to provide a Forever Home to a handsome hairy chested man.

  2. Aparentemente se les ve más cariñosos que su Majestad la Reina Isabel I de Castilla

  3. J’ai aussi un chat noir nommé Aloysius.
    Les chats noirs ont les yeux verts ou dorés. Chaque chat a sa propre personnalité :)
    -Beau Mec


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