
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Pics of the Day: International Cat Day Edition

Isabella pic of the week:


  1. AHHHH lots of lovely cats. My favourite is the grey tabby.


  2. All these cats (men and felines) are magnificent.
    “Mirror, my kind mirror, who is the most beautiful in the kingdom? » And the mirror answers, it's not you, it's Isabella with her little pink tongue and her twenty years younger."

  3. It's always great to see your beautiful Isabella. The first and fourth pics are my fav, the naked stud in one and the sleeping one waiting for his daddy to wake up.

    1. ALL of these babies (and their daddies) I'd welcome. Isabella looks like a very quiet baby except when she's trying to wake you up.

  4. notre jeune chaton adorait sauter sur la couette et griffer dès que quelque chose dépassait - mes pauvres mains, d'ailleurs mes clients à la banque ne manquaient pas de réflexions oiseuses à ces griffures !


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