
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Rainy Wednesday ☔️

Here in Vermont, we’ve had rain every day this week. I honestly don’t mind the rain, but my migraines do. Changes in air pressure causes my migraines to act up. I definitely have a problem whenever the air pressure is low, and Vermont has been in a low pressure system for past several days. 

In other words, I’ve had terrible migraines all week. It started Sunday night and was pretty awful throughout Monday. I had been out with a bad migraine the Monday before, so I felt bad about calling in two Mondays in a row. My migraine got so bad Monday night that I went to bed at 7:30 pm. Last night, I went to bed at 9 pm. At least I’m getting at least 8 hours of sleep. The sun is expected to return on Friday, so hopefully, this migraine will improve by then.


  1. Joe, have you tried : . Courage !

  2. En provence de Bretagne, d’ou est originaire ma grand-mère, il pleut beaucoup. Le feuillage sur la photo ressemble a celui de provence de Bretagne, tout ça sous la pluie.
    -Beau Mec


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