
Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Morning

It’s been a long week. I was mostly busy all week except for yesterday when I was just bored. Having very little to do can be just as tiring as being busy nearly every minute of the day. Thank goodness this is a work from home day. I can just take it easy and mostly just monitor my email.

Have a great weekend everyone! Here’s you Isabella pic of the week:
Isabella and this little Robin used to love staring at each other. She’ll ignore all other birds and wildlife, but she has a fascination with robins.


  1. Have a great weekend!!

    It's Friday the 13th and you have a black cat. It's all good it's just sweet Isabella.

    Get some sun!!


  2. Isabella und kleine Rotkehlchen das bringen Glück, auch am Freitag, dem dreizehnten. :)
    Habt ein erholsames Wochenende.

  3. Me gustan mucho los petirrojos y su canto es precioso.


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