
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Health Update

I went yesterday to have my latest Botox treatment for my migraines. Thank goodness this is a quick procedure because like last time I was regularly receiving Botox treatments for my migraines, it becomes more painful each time. It basically turns off nerves in my head, neck, and shoulders, and when the nerves reawaken, they are more sensitive. The whole procedure takes about five minutes, and I can handle five minutes of pain if it helps to relieve my migraines.

I’m continuing to experience abdominal pain. I thought it was getting better. I was only having pain when I ate. However, it’s almost constant now. When I messaged my doctor’s clinic, they scheduled me for an abdominal ultrasound on Friday. It’s not a good time for this because a lot is going on at work. I can’t help it though. I have to take care of my health first.

On a brighter note, here’s your Isabella pic of the week:


  1. Praying you get some relief and good answers!!

  2. I hope the medical folk can figure out what's wrong and prescribe a course of treatment.

  3. Do you have gas?? When was the last time you had a good bowel movement? Don't let me come out there and complete a physical. Be well!!

  4. VRCooper, I have had those discussions with my provider.

  5. Fingers crossed for your recovery


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