
Wednesday, September 4, 2024


I feel like I’m already running behind this morning. I overslept again, something I rarely do but have done the past two Wednesdays. What is it about Wednesday mornings? I was more tired than usual yesterday, so maybe I needed a little extra sleep. Even with Isabella trying to wake me, I just continued to sleep only slightly aware that she was trying to wake me to feed her. Today should be a pretty easy day at work. I have a staff meeting this afternoon, but otherwise, all that’s on my agenda is sending a few follow up emails. I just don’t like feeling rushed in the morning. I prefer to take my time and fully wake up, have a cup of tea, and eat breakfast. I did the latter two, but I still feel like if I crawled back into bed, I’d quickly fall back to sleep. Hopefully, that will get better as the morning progresses. I’m sure a good shower will help.

1 comment:

  1. ¿Cuando disfrutarás de tus vacaciones?



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