
Monday, September 9, 2024

Strange Dreams

I woke up around 4 am this morning from an unusual dream. I was dreaming that I was at a restaurant having a sandwich. It wasn’t just any sandwich or restaurant. This particular restaurant had large round sandwiches, about 6-7” in diameter with a rounded top that was about 4-5” high. The bread had been hollowed out in the middle. The sandwich was then filled with a variety of meats and toppings. In the dream, it was unclear what the contents of the sandwich were. It was similar to a muffaletta you can get in New Orleans. Usually a muffaletta is cut into quarters, but this sandwich was served whole. The restaurant had a policy: if you could eat the whole sandwich in a certain amount of time, your meal was free. Otherwise, you paid for a pretty expensive sandwich.

I know these types of restaurants exist. There was a show on the Food Network about these types of food challenges. I have never had a desire to take part in this, though I know people who have. However, in this dream, I was a willing participants, and in the dream I was heartily eating away at the sandwich. Then, in the dream, I realize that the sandwich tasted like foam was difficult to eat. That’s when I woke up and sadly realized I had bitten off a piece of the foam on my CPAP mask, which is what prevents air from leaking out of the mask. If the foam is compromised then air escapes and causes a whistling noise that can make it difficult to sleep. 

After this happened, I tried to go back to sleep, but after laying there for about 20 minutes and realizing I had a headache that was worsening, I decided to get up, feed Isabella, and make breakfast. By the way, I often wake with a headache which is something I’ve learned to live with from wearing the CPAP, but it usually goes away shortly after I get up and take off the headgear. Before anyone suggests an Inspire implant that eliminates the need for a CPAP, I did all the testing for Inspire and was told it would not work for me. So, my choices are to wake with a headache each morning but get a good night’s sleep or wake up with a raw throat and the feeling that I barely slept at all (not to mention the waking up several times throughout the night).

Anyway, it was a strange dream, and now, I have to buy a new CPAP mask. CVS now sells them, but according to the CVS website my local store is out of stock. So, I’ll have to order one from Amazon; however, it will take 1-2 weeks to arrive. Amazon is less expensive(l ($30 versus $60 anywhere else). There is one place in Ohio that said they can get it to me by Thursday, but again, it’s quite expensive. Ugh! Why do scrap supplies have to be so expensive? All this because of a really strange dream about a sandwich of all things.


  1. It's the McDonald's burger you've been dreaming of.
    Sleep apnea appears to be the disease of the 21st century; I suffer from it too.

  2. You certainly had a strange dream. And you may not have been completely asleep. What did you have before you went to bed? Sometimes that can affect not only the type of sleep we have but also our dreams.

  3. I have a pretty good idea why they cost so much—Medicare pays those inflated prices and passes them along. I have a $56 copay every quarter…I had a mask break on a trip once and fortunately my daughter in law was able to mend it until I got home.

    I unfortunately know those headaches. Had one today in fact.

    There is a place in West Texas famous for their 72oz steak challenge. It comes with a baked potato and salad. You have to eat it all or pay up. The website says it’s $72 now. Pay before eating! I’m the guy that always loses at buffet or all you can eat—never eat enough to pay the inflated rate!


  4. Maybe it was chewing on the foam that provoked the dream.


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