
Friday, November 29, 2024

Snowy Thanksgiving

When I woke up yesterday morning, it was snowing. It continued snowing throughout the day, and when I went to bed last night, it was still snowing. The snow finally stopped sometime last night. Because the temperature was above freezing most of yesterday, we only had about 2-3” of accumulation, but we probably got about 5+” of snow in total. I walked out side a few times yesterday to take pictures of the snow for some friends, but mostly I stayed in and watched the snow from my windows.

I had a lowkey Thanksgiving, just me and Isabella. I had turkey and cornbread dressing along with some butter beans. I love cornbread dressing. It’s my favorite food for winter holidays. I’ve had other types of dressing and stuffing mad with stale bread, but for me, nothing compares to cornbread dressing. I ate way too much of it yesterday, but it was damn good dressing.

Fo those of you in the United States, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and for those outside the U.S., I hope you have had a wonderful week. I will not be going Black Friday shopping today. I put in orders at two different places to get a few sales items that I needed, so I will be venturing out today but only to quickly run in stored and pick up my purchases. I hate the crowds at stores on Black Friday, but I am hoping the two places I have to go, CVS and Petco will not be as crowded. They are not the usual Black Friday shopping destinations. Is anyone actually going out Black Friday shopping? What about Small Business Saturday, when we are encouraged to shop at local small businesses? Or, are you waiting until Cyber Monday for those online deals?

Tomorrow, will likely be another lowkey day. It’s my birthday, and I will watch the Iron Bowl, i.e. the Alabama vs. Auburn football game. It’s a big rivalry game, especially in Alabama. I might watch the Egg Bowl today (Ole Miss vs. Mississippi State), and possibly the Lone Star Showdown ( Texas vs. Texas A&M) Saturday night. If you have ever seen The Best LIttle Whorehouse in Texas, then you should be familiar this particular rivalry. Besides, “The Aggie Song” is probably the best part of that movie, and the gayest football song and dance numbers in history (Do other football song and dance numbers exist?), but I digress.

The only thing that I might do this weekend is to go see the Wicked movie. Has anyone seen it yet? I’ve never seen the musical, but I read the book many years ago. I have always been a fan of The Wizard of Oz, and I always found the new perspective on the Wicked Witch of the West to be pretty interesting.

Anyway, that’s all I have for today. I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. We saw Wicked 11/20. I really didn't think it was all that great. But "your mileage may vary...."

  2. I'm glad to hear that you had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving! The snow looks lovely, but I must admit I'm glad we don't get any - live in Arizona! I've heard mixed reviews about Wicked - I hope you enjoy it!!!

  3. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving---It was just me and I actually roasted a turkey----I have not done that in years---I made homemade biscuits---Vegetables, rice, and of course homemade gravy----For desert Sprouts pecan pie, ice cream and coffee--Lord, in all my years I don't think I have ever been to a Black Friday sale----I am not that crazy----I love the snow---I don't mind if I am in it as long as I am prepared---And driving is a 50/50 thing---I am fine driving but it's the crazies---Have a great weekend and give Isabella a treat for me---

  4. Happy birthday! (from Australia).

  5. Happy birthday, my most sincere wishes...
    Happy birthday, our most sincere wishes
    May these few flowers bring you happiness
    May the whole year be sweet and light to you
    And that at the end of the year, we are all reunited
    To sing “happy birthday” in unison

  6. José nos cuentas muchas cosas bonitas: la canción de Sinatra, la nieve, la cena con Isabel... Me encantaría poder estar un dia entero ahora y poder ver todo esto que nos cuentas...

  7. Like the locker room dance scene in the Patty Duke film “Billie” 1965. :-)


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