
Monday, December 2, 2024

Back to the Grind

It’s back to work for me today. I feel like I could use a few more days away from work, but I have to prepare for a class on Wednesday and a couple of other things to do at work. One thing for certain, I did not want to get out of bed this morning. I feel like I slept well last night, I did not wake up throughout the night, but I do not feel particularly refreshed this morning. I went to get my flu shot yesterday, and I wonder if this is not a reaction to the vaccine. My arm isn’t sore nor do I have a fever, nausea, or muscle aches. However, I do have a bit of a headache (though this is not unusual), and I am feeling more fatigued than normal, even for a Monday morning. Maybe a cup of tea and some breakfast will help wake me up and get me ready for the day ahead.

By the way, I did not go see Wicked this weekend. I just decided that I was not up to going anywhere over the weekend and just wanted to spend time at home. Maybe I will go next weekend. We’ll see.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


  1. I understand that you are not rushing to see this film , duration: 160 minutes ...
    Have a nice week !

  2. The United States Conference of Bishops has called for all American church bells to ring at 2 p.m. (Washington time) on the occasion of the reopening of Notre Dame. A beautiful gesture of unity.
    Even if you came to Paris for the Olympics,
    even if you already know Notre Dame Cathedral,
    even if you are atheist, Buddhist, Muslim,
    come back to Paris after December 8 (feast of the Immaculate Conception): it is transfigured after its restoration.

    1. I would absolutely love to go to Paris and see the restoration of Notre Dame. I watched a documentary on it (even showed it to my class), and am fascinated by the work they did. I visited Notre Dame about 20 years ago, so I'd like to see it again.

  3. It could be the flu shot that is making you feel a bit sluggish. In general, Mondays are not my favorite, I find them so difficult to get out of bed. Cheers to a good week ahead for all!

  4. Mr Good Thighs looks like he’s rolling up his sleeves for some sex action !


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