
Monday, December 30, 2024


I don’t remember what it was I did yesterday, but I think it was picking up something heavy. Anyway, I remember when I did it, I thought, Oh! That doesn’t feel right. And sure enough, I woke up this morning with a stabbing pain in my lower back. It’s not so bad that it’s inhibiting too much movement, but it does make bending over uncomfortable. Some time on a heating pad, pain medicine, and a muscle relaxer should take care of the issue. I just need to take it easy today. Thankfully, I don’t have to return to work until Thursday. The only thing I really need to do today is do some work on my class that starts next week.


  1. Take Isabella as your heating pad! Get a massage! Always bend your knees when lifting something heavy and wear an abdominal belt

  2. Good morning Joe. I’m sure you’ll receive lots of well wishes and advice today. I’m sorry you’re feeling sore. It must be significant.
    I don’t know if you’re a drinking man, but I’ve found a healthy shot of the whiskey taken while lying in a tu of hot water to be helpful.
    Wishing you a quick recovery,

  3. You have my sympathies, Joe!


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