
Friday, December 27, 2024

Going Home Tomorrow

I’m thankful I got to spend time with family, if only because I can tell how bad my mother’s dementia is getting. I want to be able to see her while she’s still doing relatively good, even though I can see the decline. We watched as her father slipped into dementia and that was hard enough, but this is my mama. She may have her faults, but no matter what, she’s still the woman who gave birth to me.

My father has actually been on good behavior. I still have another day to go here, so hopefully I’m not jinxing it, but he hasn’t started an argument with me over some perceived slight, which is usually what he does. If I can make it one more day, then I’ll be on my way home. 

I’ll fly back to Vermont tomorrow afternoon. I’m ready to be back home with Isabella and sleeping in my own bed. I have a two hour layover in Atlanta and should arrive back in Vermont just before midnight, as long as there are no unforeseen delays. As it is, the trip back will put me getting home at about 1am Sunday morning. Tomorrow will be a long day, but I least I should be home at the end of it.


  1. Fingers crossed for your return.

  2. Such a good son, concern for your mother and doing everything not to set off your father, they should be proud of you (deep down they are). They should see the beautiful light before them. Hope you have a safe return to Vermont and Isabella.
    ps: like the eye candy you provide, though his jeans should be tighter :)
    -CA jock

    1. The pic is from a Facebook group called “Airport ✈️ Hotties.” He was one of the best ones, but yes, those jeans could be tighter.

  3. So hard watching a loved one with dementia, my father is in the same position. Safe travels home Joe. Sending a hug.

  4. Yo he pasado 20 años cuidando a mi padre, José. No padecía demencia, pero su cerebro no funcionaba bien y era como un niño todo debido a una caída. Espero y deseo que tengas un buen viaje de vuelta a tu casa y que Isabel sepa darte una buena bienvenida con algún mimo gatuno.
    Te envío un fuerte abrazo. En cuanto al chico del aeropuerto me conformo tal y como lleva sus pantalones... Es tan guapo que la talla de sus pantalones es lo de menos LOL

  5. I'm glad the visit went well. You would regret it later if you skipped the visit. Did you do any cooking for them?

    1. I did all of the cooking and cleaning while I was there, except for the one night my dad grilled steaks while I made twice-baked potatoes.


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