
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Moment of Zen: Cat Dads

According to a recent survey, when given a choice, almost 60% of women prefer dating a man who owns a dog to dating a man who owns a cat. And almost 20% of women say they find Cat Dads to be somewhat or very unattractive versus only 5% who say the same about Dog Dads. The survey also found that men holding cats in their dating profile pics were viewed as 25% less attractive than even their selfie-taking counterparts who were not holding a pet at all. This survey tells me one thing, there are more Cat Dads for gay men. I am not a dog person, and honestly, I find men with dogs to be slightly more unattractive. I have a bit of a fear of dogs, so when I meet a guy who says he has a dog, it makes me pause to consider the attractiveness of the guy, because attractiveness is more than just physical aesthetics.
I also think that a man who has a cat is more likely to be kinder than a man who considers himself a dog person. That doesn’t mean I think badly of dog lovers but until you experience cats firsthand, you can't really tell what it is to love and be loved by a cat.


  1. Looking closely at my life, I think what you say is true. Spoken as a dog person. It’s a lab. Do I get a pass?

  2. This cat dads are absolutely adorable.

  3. "According to a recent survey, when given a choice, almost 60% of women prefer dating a man who owns a dog to dating a man who owns a cat."
    Who cares?


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