
Saturday, December 28, 2024

Moment of Zen: Home​ward Bound

Really, this is the most important reason that I’m ready to be back home:

Bonus Airport ✈️ Hotties (Facebook Group):


  1. Thanx for the airport hotties and their link :)
    Isabella must be anxious for your safe return, hope all went well for you in Alabama.
    -CA jock

  2. Sexy travelers. Isabella will be so glad to see you.

  3. No.2 really knows how to show is nice assets. Appetising buble butt not like that one two days ago when he was waiting to board with awfull wallets in his back pockets. Surely not a gay man...
    I'll be going tomorrow to Québec city at my sister's home and will spend 4 days to also visit my 97yo mom at her day care facility.
    I'll also go supper with her and also at my brother's appartment on the souht shore in Lévis.
    Be back home on next Friday.

  4. ¿Cómo puede ser que TODOS me parezcan adorables? ¿Seré un enfermo?


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