
Thursday, December 5, 2024

Winter Weather

While today won’t be as cold as it’s been the rest of this week (we expect to get above freezing, but only to 33 degrees), we are under a winter weather advisory. It’s not supposed to be too bad, with only about 4 inches of snow, but it’s enough to disrupt things. Thankfully, it seems like not as much snow fell last night as the weather people expected, and the current forecast shows a gap in the snowfall until this evening.

As you might can tell, I don’t have a lot to say today. I have a few things to do at work this morning, but I will be leaving around noon for a dermatology appointment this afternoon. Then, it will be to head back home and ride out the rest of the snow in the comfort of my apartment. I’ll be working from home tomorrow, so only 4 hours to be at the museum today, and thankfully, I will be the only one there. I’ve been a bit aggravated/frustrated with work for the past few weeks, so it will be nice to not have to deal with my coworkers.

Because I haven’t posted an Isabella picture of the week in a few weeks, here’s a rare picture of her “cuddling” with me:
She looks a bit aggravated, but it’s only because I stopped rubbing her head to take her picture.


  1. Good morning Joe,

    I’m a new follower. I first became aware of your blog a number of years ago. But it was during my early gay adolescence (I’m 75 years of age) when I was fixated more exclusively on the explicit. Now that I’ve matured in my gayness, I’m finding your daily messages quite enjoyable and the pictures of men perfectly captivating. Also, as a new arrival I’m able to enjoying a wealth of archival material on a wide range of subjects.

    Then there is the beautiful Isabella, whose presence in our midst adds an important special something.

    wishing you the best,


    1. Isabella ! Isabella ! Isabella !
      We want to see her every day ! You should film it...

  2. Thank you, Brooks! I am glad you found my blog and enjoy it. It always amazes me that people actually want to read my ramblings and various interests. Isabella is my heart, and I love to share her.

    1. Since it is the day of my complaints, I dare to ask us , Joe , to add the titles of your courses and conferences.. Thank you in advance.

    2. Since it's my request day, could you, Joe, give us the title of your courses and conferences.

  3. Isabella is so cute. Enjoy the warmth and comfort of your apartment.

  4. I don’t have any conferences coming up, and I teach a variety of different classes using objects from the museum’s collection, but those are usually one or two day classes for history, English, engineering, and any other discipline that the museum can support. I will be teaching a course on the Grand Tour next semester.

  5. Beau bonhomme de neige callipygique :)
    Isabelle si douce :)
    Le grand tour d’europe est un sujet passionnant, une telle histoire et un tel itinéraire: Londres, Paris, Avignon, Nîmes, Florence, Sienne, Venise, Rome, Naples et Athènes. Tu réussiras grâce à tes connaissances :)
    -Beau Mec


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