
Monday, January 6, 2025

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

At the moment, it is 5º F this morning. Yesterday, my weather app showed the high today was supposed to only be 8º F; however, this morning, my weather app says that the high should be 17º F. Needless to say, it’s cold outside. The temperatures are forecasted to be cold all week, with windchill temperatures below 0º F. At least we will get some sun today. The weatherman just said that mountain snow is expected Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. As a rule, I’m not usually affected by mountain snow, but we might get 2-4” of snow on Wednesday. Regardless, snow has not stopped falling for days now. Most of the time, it has been very light snow, but snow nonetheless. I wish I did not have to leave my apartment today, but I have to go to work. 

Wherever you are, I hope you stay warm and safe today and have a wonderful week ahead!


  1. It was freezing this weekend in Southern Ontario, better today though.

  2. Cold is part of some places in NORTH America and up here in Canada we are used to have those freezing temperatures.
    For many years now, those aren't as deep cold as it used to be.
    With the climate change, what we experience is more a «yo yo» weather with temperature going over the 32°F and under.
    I drove to Québec city on Monday dec. 30 under pooring rain.
    On the way back to Montreal, it was -9°C with some occasional falling snow on the road without any of it on the road.
    BTW «America» is the name of ALL of those two continents.


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