
Friday, January 10, 2025


My sympathies go out to my friends in the South who will be dealing with snow and ice today. It has been snowing here for a week and very cold with windchills as low as -9 where I live, but most of the snow has not been accumulating more than a dusting. Burlington was experiencing whiteout conditions yesterday, but we just had light snow because the mountains stopped most of the snow from the west. Some places on the eastern side of the mountains received snow, but where I live, it’s been only a dusting. Tomorrow, we may get 1-2” of snow, but that doesn’t compare to northern Alabama who will get 2-4” of snow. My weather app actually says 7-8”, but that’s not what the meteorologists down there are forecasting, Even if they get 1-2”, it’s more like us getting 8-12” because they are just not prepared for winter weather. No one has snow tires, and I’d be surprised if very many people are aware there is such a thing as snow tires. Some places have a supply of salt and sand for the roads, but only the state has plows, so only the state roads get plowed. In other words, if a person lives in a rural area, they will be stuck in their homes. Roads are usually closed, which means if you get out on the roads and have an accident, insurance will not cover it, and trust me from experience, anyone who gets out on the roadways will have an accident. The last time I experienced a winter storm in Alabama, the roads were covered in nearly an inch of ice. It was tricky to even walk on the roads, let alone drive on them. Every car I saw went into a ditch. The good thing is that it should not be a long lasting winter weather event; the temperatures should reach the lower 40s by tomorrow. That being said, there will most likely be massive power outages due to the weight of the ice bringing down power lines. Rural areas in Alabama losing power is no different from rural areas in Vermont losing power, you could be without electricity for days.
If you are wondering, my family lives in the southern half of Alabama, so they should experience rain but no snow. As bad as it is when North Alabama gets snow, they do get snow more often than South Alabama. In my lifetime, I can think of only four major winter weather events in the area of Alabama I grew up in. We’ve had more hurricanes and tropical storms than we’ve had winter storms with ice/snow accumulation. South Alabama is not prepared at all for winter weather, and it usually means you are stuck wherever you are for days, usually without electricity, because the crews to restore power also can’t get out until the icy conditions are gone.


  1. My friends, Guy (a man fom here, Montreal and his husband) Ken are in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, and the had over 8 inches of snow which is unusual for them. Guy a friend for more than 30years hate snow and was pissed of to see it.. Ken love snow so it's a funny situation down there.
    Here in Montreal we didn't have much snow but we are used to more than this «little» 6 iches of this «white shit».
    Also not too cold temperatures as we, again, are used to it in winter.

  2. comme d'habitude ce 09 01 2025 suite à des chutes de neige pourtant annoncées depuis l'avant veille et répétées la veille la Belgique a été très perturbées au point que vers 11h plus aucun bus public ne se déplaçait , et dans les provinces Wallonnes l'indication était passée à l'orange donc plus de circulation sauf les services de secours et d' épandages de sels , alors moi Tintin pour mon rdv à la clinique (à 6 km)! enfin ça vaut mieux qu'une bagnole à la casse et une jambe cassée il parait! on n'a pas assez de jours de neige pour que les pneus hiver ou au moins de neige soient obligatoires comme dans le Grand Duché de Luxembourg (et le grand duc est le cousin de notre Roi pourtant) humour

  3. Sweet snow bunny, he will keep the winter warm. :)
    -CA jock

  4. Visiting Relatives near Atlanta: NOT WHAT I EXPECTED!

    Sometimes perfection is more of an idea than a functional reality. Friend and family had warned us to pack a jacket or sweater for our pending visit. Little did we “Yankees” ever suspect that the weather in Metro DC would nearly be identical to Atlanta’s.

    Yesterday brought a few inches of snow to North Georgia. Today, it’s brutally cold.Utter chaos & outdoor life has stood still.

    Enjoyed beating my brother, nephews and my eldest son at monopoly to pass the time. Hung out and watching my niece’s toddler kids have their first snow experience was delightful.

    On a sour note: I could have stayed in Maryland for the same crappy weather. Nonetheless, it was nice seeing everyone & having a winter cookout.

    Stay Warm!


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