
Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday Blues

It’s Friday morning. Isabella started trying to wake me at 4:30 am, but I held her off until 5 am. Instead of bounding out of bed with the usual determination, I found myself wanting to hit snooze, or at least going back to bed after feeding Isabella, but I know I can’t. Isabella is not a patient cat, few cats are, and I have to get ready for work. Fridays have a funny way of testing my work ethic, whether it’s when I’m working from home and know I can work at my own pace, even taking a nap if I want, or having to go to the museum for work like today. I’m very ready for the weekend, but there’s still a to-do list staring back at me. I have next week’s class to prepare for, a class to teach for another professor this afternoon, and a physical therapy appointment this afternoon. So, I’ll hop in the shower, get dressed and head out the door. I just don’t want to do so. At least, the weekend is very near.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! We just need to get through Friday first.


  1. The picture would suggest that you plan to enjoy your shower.
    With thanks for your wonderful starts to my days. Newspaper, coffee & a lesson from my favourite professor; how could life be any better?

    Wishing you a restorative weekend.

  2. Lovely picture with today's post. I often hit the snooze button on Fridays.

  3. oh le vendredi! depuis 7 mois c'est une semaine sur deux thérapies mais pas de groupe , juste de crabe et même pas royale sinon je le dégusterais avec plaisirs


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