
Monday, January 13, 2025


It was very difficult to wake up and get out of bed this morning. It’s mornings like this that make me thankful that Isabella is so insistent about being fed early in the morning. If she had not been telling me to get up, I might still be asleep. I’m not exactly sure why I have been experiencing so much fatigue the last several days, but I felt exhausted on Saturday, and yesterday, I took a nap that lasted a good part of the afternoon. Hopefully, I can become more awake and have a productive day at work because I have a lot I need to do and much of that is preparing for class tomorrow. However, I wish I could just go back to bed.


  1. This is the good side of Isabella: wakes her up in the morning on days when you have to get up.

  2. It'll take more than Isabella to get me up if this stud was in my bed.

    1. Me he enamorado de él con solo verle

  3. Sleeping jock with a sweet ass, that’s worth seeing in the morning. :)
    Your blood sugar might be low, try some oj or fresh fruit.
    -CA jock


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