
Friday, January 24, 2025

The End of the Week

It’s Friday, and I’m back on my regular schedule of working from home today. It is so nice to be able to log into my work computer with my cup of tea in hand, in sweats and a t-shirt, knowing the weekend is just around the corner, and I don’t have to get out in the cold this morning. Working from home is more than just a shift in location, it’s a chance to set the tone for a productive yet relaxed day. It’s easier to focus without the buzz of the office, and the flexibility means I can finally tackle the laundry piling up. Mostly though, I will spend the day preparing for next week’s classes. I’m just glad I can do it while being more relaxed from home.

I feel bad for all the government workers out there who have lost the privilege of working from home. In this first week, the new administration in Washington has already begun to dismantle America, whether it’s revoking job offers and laying off all government employees who have worked less than a year to allowing ICE agents to invade schools to take away students. In the United States, don’t kids have enough to worry about with school shootings and not feeling safe in school, but now worrying that armed agents of the government are going to burst into classrooms and drag them away?

You haven’t heard much about the new administration on this blog because I find it so disheartening and depressing. It’s not like there isn’t a lack of things to say. Since a fascist oligarchy has assumed office on January 20, the new administration has enacted several policies that have raised concerns about the erosion of human rights and democratic principles: 
  • Terminating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programs; 
  • Banning non-U.S. flags at embassies preventing the display of flags representing various social movements, such as LGBTQ+ Pride and Black Lives Matter; 
  • Revoking affirmative action policies ending hiring practices that had been in place since 1965 ending attempts to create workplace diversity; 
  • Signing an executive order on “Biological Truth” enforcing a strict male-female binary and disregarding the existence of intersex individuals and transgender individuals; 
  • Attempting to end birthright citizenship, disregarding a key provision of the the definition of a US citizen in the Fourteenth Amendment; and 
  • Erasing transgender rights by halting the issuance of gender-corrected passports and other policies aimed to promote transphobia in the federal government. 
Each of these actions have been widely criticized by human rights organizations and advocacy groups as undermining civil liberties and democratic norms. Legal challenges are anticipated as stakeholders seek to uphold protections against discrimination and preserve democratic principles. My fear is that with the current makeup of the Supreme Court, these policies will be upheld no matter how blatantly unconstitutional and undemocratic they are.


  1. Good morning Joe. I’m finding your bullet point list more than a little horrifying. Beyond the actions themselves, which are bad enough, is the message he’s sending to his acolytes giving them permission to hate.

  2. Since January 20, 47 is going on like a raging man or like a bulldozer signing all those persidential orders to please his uneducated base and shake your democracy as no one did before.
    For sure he is going to try to diminish some human rights as dictators like to do and, by this, he is really showing how bad he can be.
    Slapping on that bishop who ask him to be more kind just shows how he is ridiculous on any Christian values.
    From here, in Canada, we are preparing for him to try to destroy our economy and even our specific society.
    NO Canadians want to be part of USA as a hypothetic 51st state.
    We are proud to be Canadians and prouder NOT to be Americans.
    (words of our Prime Minister)
    In USA, next 4 years will be a sad rollercoaster of bad policies and worse.
    Not sure that the prices of eggs and gas will go lower as his oligarchs friends will enrcich themselves on ordinary American workers.
    Time now than ever for you to have thoughts and lot of prayers.

    1. Intelligent and rational people (not those in government or the MAGAs) know Canada will never want to be the 51st state. They defeated the Americans twice when they were invade by Americans. Furthermore, there are many people in states, like Vermont, who would love to join Canada.

  3. I saw many other Americans like from Minnesota or Michigan who would like to be part of Canada. You know that many French Canadians from Province of Québec did immigrate to Vermont, Maine, Massachusset, New York and Rhode Island back in the beginning of the 20th century to work in USA's industries. I still have some far relatives from my grand mother and others who are now living in Boston and Providence.
    Even my ex boyfriend (2001-2005) have two aunts who married Americans living in Plattsburgh and NYC Long Island.
    No matter what the orange felon can vomit, our two countries always have been real friends with both benefits.

  4. The effect on the federal government's hiring practices will be profoundly damaging. I read a post about a family who sold their home and was ready to move everything across the country to start a great position with the federal government. They are essentially homeless and without a job. That is devastating. I too have been getting notices from the personal office of positions I applied for months ago but are still on some list. I have gotten at least three this week stating that positions have been canceled. I would advise at the very least that all job offers accepted will go through as planned but no new recruitment or hires. But you and I know that cruelty is the point. I posted the other day that when a new administration comes into office they unite the country and strive to improve people's lives. But it appears this cabal of misfits is willing to turn folks' lives on end and burn the damn place down. Being a military veteran my heart goes out to the VA as they now struggle to meet the needs of our veterans. It's going to be a long, hard road for at least the next two years. Come on midterms.

    Have a great weekend. Stay warm!!

    1. ¡¡Ojalá tengas razón y haya elecciones a mitad del mandato!!

  5. Angel, every two years we elect all members of the House of Representatives because they serve 2 years terms. We also elect 1/3 of the Senate which serve 6 year terms and they cycle through 1/3 every two years. I’m hoping that the Democrats will gain an overwhelming majority in the midterm elections. The opposition party usually does do better in midterm elections.

    1. But that’s when the party in power plays by some semblance of order and rules. This administration seeks to be a regime hell bent on destroying our democracy and the foundation of America. Don't be surprised if the midterms are manipulated to ignore the will of the people by this regime of tyrannical lunacy.
      I call it a regime because they want an authoritarian government that will evolve into a dictatorship.

    2. Desconocía toda esta información, pero opino lo mismo que el anónimo que está bajo tu respuesta José: es un régimen dictatorial lleno de locos incompetentes y para colmo con Elon Musk haciendo el saludo nazi. Resulta muy complicado describir y más aún entender lo que ya está haciendo vuestro gobierno, pero aún me cuesta más comprender al cretino de Musk y a su "jefe"
      Supongo que no podré entrar en USA hasta dentro de unos años después de mis declaraciones o seré encarcelado y quizá aparezca en una mazmorra de las SS...


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