
Wednesday, January 8, 2025

WFH Wednesday

Because of appointments on the next two Friday, I changed my usual work from home day from Friday to Wednesday this week and the next. I have a virtual meeting this morning, so I can’t spend my WFH day like the guy above. I’ll actually have to get dressed, but after that, I can have a more relaxed day. I’m really happy I’m working from home today because I woke with a migraine this morning. Also, the heat at the museum hasn’t been keeping up with the outside temperature since we got back from break, and I’ve been freezing in my office this week. I’m looking forward to a day when I can be comfortable in my surroundings. Anyway, that’s it for me today. At least the week is halfway over.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the days go well.
    Nice phot of a sweet assed jock catching up with his studies.
    An intellectual student will be by later to tutor him about advanced math, while the jock will teach the tutor a thing or two about human biology. :)
    -CA jock


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