
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Another Snowy Morning

I almost titled this post “Another Snow Day,” but snow day usually implies a day out of school or off work because of snow. For there to be a snow day in Vermont, a snow storm must be particularly severe. This morning’s snow doesn’t seem to be severe nor as bad as had been predicted. Some parts of Vermont did get a significant amount of snow, but where I am, seems to have only gotten about an inch or so of snow. Of course, there is always the possibility of two things: 1) the snow may begin to come down at a faster pace before I leave for work, and 2) there may be places between my apartment and work that are in worse shape than we are. Thankfully, the snow should be over by mid afternoon, and when I head home at 4 pm, the roads should be in better condition. I wish I could just stay home today. However, I have a class to teach, and I will be the only person in the museum today.

My plan today is to leave earlier than usual and give myself plenty of time to take it slow and get to work safely.


  1. Be careful while driving.
    Well, this morning, I said my prayers in the sun on my balcony, 13°C

    1. Ici à Montréal, on est à -4°C avec une belle petite tempête de neige et déjà plus de 10 à 15 cm au sol dépendant de l'endroit au Québec. Rien pour nous empêcher de circuler mais cela se fait au ralenti. Nos écoles sont fermées et les gens demeurent à la maison sauf pour les urgences. Pas de panique ici comme on a vu la semaine dernière en France.

    2. José cuidate mucho al conducir y no olvides la bufanda y los guantes.

    3. Je suis très étonné JiEL que si peu arrête tout à Montreal , on se croirait en France ! La ville souterraine a été comblée ?

  2. In Montréal, every schools are shut ans it's still snowing. 6 inches of snow but nothing terrible for us. We are used to have snow.

    1. Echo de menos la nieve en mi ciudad. Hace mas de 20 años que no cae una nevada y yo personalmente noto su ausencia, aunque a la mayoría no le gusta, pero a mi sí. Te envidio JiEL, disfruta de ese bonito manto blanco y ese aire fresco que desprende la nieve.


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