If I didn’t have a class today, I think I’d call in sick, not really because I am sick, though I probably do need a mental health day, but because I just want to crawl back into bed. Isabella started early this morning trying to wake me. I swear this cat knows when it’s a salmon day. I rotate through salmon, tuna, and chicken. Chicken is her least favorite and some days she turns her nose up at it, but salmon is by far her favorite. She’ll occasionally refuse to eat what I give her, but only once in all these years has she ever refused to eat salmon. It always seems like she’s most persistent to wake me in salmon days. Anyway, whatever the reason for her continued persistence this morning was, I’m awake now and will soon have to start getting ready for work. Thank goodness tomorrow is a work from home day.
Here’s your Isabella pic of the week (sorry that I forgot to post one last week). This picture clearly says, “Why? Why did you wake me? Why are you taking my picture? I’m going back to sleep!” If only she’d let me go back so sleep some mornings.
Isabella is so pretty, she has amazing eyes.
ReplyDeleteDie beste om die dag te begin met 'n drankoffer uit die drankkabinet, soos hierdie kêrel.
ReplyDeleteBest to start the day with a libation from the liquor cabinet, like this fellow.
- Praetorius
Isabel es una reina y tiene su peculiar carácter de diva. José cuidate cuando Isabel tenga una edad avanzada: te dominará LOL