
Saturday, February 1, 2025

Moment of Zen: Cats

Of course, I’m obligated to post a picture of my queen.


  1. I have two cats and they are such nice and affectionate that they are making my life an happy one. I adopted them from a shelter in 2018 and must admit that they are well accostume to me and my schedule as a retired teacher. Sure in the morning they will come on the bed to wake me up but they know that I will get up later. So they lay by my side waiting for me to get up.

    1. Jiel , vous voulez dire que vous vous adaptez bien à vos 2 chats , pas l'inverse .
      Jusqu'à la semaine dernière , je jouais avec le jeune chat de mes voisins dans le couloir de l'immeuble . Hélas ! il a fait des bêtises , aussi le couloir lui y est interdit sur ordre affiché du syndic . Je suis très triste ...

  2. Replies
    1. I was feeling better, but my nausea and migraine came back while I was out grocery shopping. I can’t think of many worse places to be nauseated than the grocery store with all the various smells and whatnots.

    2. Hé oui! C'est bien connu: les chiens ont des maitres, les chats ont des serviteurs.🤣

  3. Beautiful men and their fur babies. Hope you are feeling better.

  4. ¡Amo a todos esos hombres con sus gatos! Son realmente hermosos.


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