Anyway, I wish I could just stay home and snuggle up with Isabella. She seems to always find a warm place to nap. The other day, she finally discovered a place that I’ve wanted her to try out for years. Several years ago, I bought her a little cat house, which she has always ignored. The most she has ever done is stick her head in and turn around and walk away.I also bought her a nice cozy looking, fluffy cat bed, which she has never even contemplated using. She prefers a fuzzy blanket. The other day, I looked up, and she was in the little house I’d gotten her. With her eyes closed, you could barely notice her, so I made a noise to get her to open her eyes. I took the opportunity to take the picture below. It apparently pissed her off that I saw her in there, and she crawled out and stomped off never to return again. Such a stubborn little girl!
A blog about LGBTQ+ History, Art, Literature, Politics, Culture, and Whatever Else Comes to Mind. The Closet Professor is a fun (sometimes tongue-in-cheek, sometimes very serious) approach to LGBTQ+ Culture.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Snowy Day
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If you have a balcony, Joe, put the house and Isabella there. And tell us how she reacted.
ReplyDeleteIsabel tiene su carácter y personalidad muy fuerte. ¡Está preciosa dentro de la casita!
Por favor José ten mucho cuidado al conducir tu coche con esa lluvia helada y abrigate bien.
Here in Southern Ontario, it been a nasty day weather wise. Freezing rain on and off throughout the entire day. Keep safe.
ReplyDeleteHere in Nova Scotia, snow tonight, turning rain & than freezing, Then temperatures dropping for more ice.
ReplyDelete¡¡Por favor cuidense todos mucho con ese clima tan frío!! En España lluvia generalizada por todo el país y frio, pero sin llegar a las temperaturas de las que hablais. Estoy harto de no poder salir de casa a causa de clima.
ReplyDeleteOs deseo un buen fin de semana a todos y os pido que os comporteis bien con vuestro prójimo... ;-)