
Friday, February 7, 2025


There isn’t much to say this morning. Thank goodness it’s Friday, and it’s a work from home day. I’ll work on material for next week’s class today, but there isn’t a whole lot else to do. I have a few emails to send out. I woke up with a bit of a migraine, which I hope will go away as the morning goes on. I have no plans for the weekend. I doubt I will leave my apartment on Sunday, though I may go downstairs to do some laundry. It’s expected to snow throughout Saturday night. There are no plans for tomorrow. I’m hoping for an easy, lazy weekend.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. I’m having fantasies about how I’ll pass the storm.

    1. ante la chimenea lo mas cómodos posible...

  2. José descansa todo lo que puedas, disfruta de Isabel y acuérdate de tus amigos.

  3. Estoy locamente enamorado del chico de la foto.


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