
Thursday, June 20, 2024


Good morning, everyone! I’ve been doing some gentle stretching this morning because I’ve had some stiffness and pain in my lower back, but otherwise, it seems like a good morning so far. 

I had my Botox treatment yesterday for my migraines, and I asked the nurse practitioner about her injection technique and whether it is it more effective. She said that she uses that technique for two reasons: 1) it helps her be more accurate in the placement of the injections, and 2) it’s more comfortable for her patients. I mentioned how whatever she did appeared to be more effective. I could tell that she did not want to say anything that might come across as critical of her colleague, so instead, she said, “Maybe this just works better for you.” 

Whether it does or not, I booked her for my next two appointments. When she walked me up to the desk to make future appointments, I asked her if it was ok to book only her in the future, and she said I could. What was interesting is that the woman scheduling the appointments said that she only lets this nurse practitioner do her Botox injections. So it seems I’m not the only one who thinks she’s more effective with her technique. We’ll see over the next three months if it proves to be more effective. 


  1. I hope the treatment will be effective. Caress Isabella for me.

  2. I'm so glad you feel comfortable with this woman and her injection technique. Let's hope it proves to be effective.

  3. Me alegra saber que el tratamiento va mejor y que esta mujer ha acertado en su técnica.
    Creo que deberías regalarle una nurse cap. Te envío una para ella?


  4. Did you ask the NP to train the other people on her technique? Other patients might be continuing to suffer because they don't know that the NP's technique is more effective. You might want to mention this to the physician in charge of this clinic.

  5. RB, there is no physician in charge of the clinic until July 1, and I have an appointment with the new doctor on July 9.


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