
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Pic of the Day

Summer is officially here, and it certainly feels like it. We’ve been having a rare heatwave here in Vermont. I’d love to find a cool body of water to enjoy.


  1. Joe, it's the same here in England.
    It's been the wettest year for decades, and then on Wednesday things changed, the sun came out smiling. At dawn yesterday, on a cloudless day at Stonehenge, the Druids were present to celebrate the solstice. Bang on cue the early morning sun rose directly behind the Heel Stone and the first rays shone down into the heart of Stonehenge, as it has done for thousands of years. Magic stuff.

  2. Bel homme magique, image magnifique !
    - Beau Mec

  3. Michael Lucifer tu descripción del solsticio ha sido muy bonita, sin proponermelo me has transportado al lugar y he vivido el acontecimiento. Gracias.
    Aquí en Asturias hemos estado dos semanas con mucha lluvia e incluso frío y hoy ha salido un poco el sol, pero sin grandes pretensiones.
    Si no queréis pasar mucho calor os espero en Asturias este verano.



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