
Friday, June 28, 2024


I had not expected to be able to work from home today. I had several meetings that I needed to be in person for, but all but one meeting was canceled and that one meeting could be changed to a virtual meeting. So, I changed my schedule to work from home. This week has been busy and stressful for many different reasons. I tend to love for Friday to come around, but I am truly thankful this week. I need a more relaxed work from home day. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, 55 years ago today, the Stonewall Riots began. It was a momentous event for the LGBTQ+ rights movement. It certainly wasn't the first time LGBTQ+ people stood up for their rights, but it was the spark that continued to build the flame that continues to grow, even if certain states are passing laws throwing water on those flames. We can't let the far right and the so-called Christian Nationalist (aka fascist anti-christs) diminish the rights we have fought so hard for over the past century. (Vote blue in November, if you are in the US!) And yes, I say century because LGBTQ+ rights began its sparks in the days of the Roaring Twenties and even before then. If you are interested in learning more about Stonewall and its cause and effects, you can read more about it in a series of posts I have done in past years about what happened 55 years ago today: Stonewall.


  1. We are dismayed in France by Joe Biden's performance against Trump.

  2. So am I, uvdp. I tried watching it, and not only do I hate to look at Trump, I especially hate to hear I'm speak. I was having a hard time hearing Biden, so I turned it off. I was told that Biden was much improved when Trump pissed him off about the military. The madder Biden got, the better his performance. I hope that really was the case.

  3. I saw it all on CNN and also the follow up after.
    For sure everybody were decieved by Biden bad performance and also not surprised about the 34 lies tRump said and more.
    Many were talking of putting someone else for Biden but I'm not sure it would be a good idea.

    From my Canadian point of view those two oldies should never be on a President's ticket.
    Trump is a liar, a con man and a felon convicted etc... I'm flabbergasted that Evangelicals are supporting him and any Christians in USA.
    For Biden even if he has much more politic experience, age is on the balance and MAGA GOP are hammering on this nail not thiking that tRump is only 3 years younger and IF he wins on november he will be 82yo at the end of his presidency.

    Americans are in a bad position for who will win this.

  4. Solo puedo decir que VOTEN AZUL, por favor



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