
Friday, June 21, 2024

Working Friday

I wish I could just stay in bed today. I woke up around 2:30 am with a migraine. Luckily, I was able to go back to sleep, but when I woke again at 4:30 am, I still had a headache. I took some medicine, and I hope it’s better by the time I leave for work. While I usually work from home on Fridays, I’ll be working at the museum today. I have some meetings that will be best in person, though they could have been done virtually. The real reason I’m going in is because I have to go to my doctor’s office this afternoon, and his office is across the street from the university. If I’m going to have to drive in anyway, I might as well make it a day at the office. Regardless, I hope that this headache goes away because I’m supposed to go to dinner with a friend this evening, and I always look forward to spending time with her.

1 comment:

  1. Querido José espero y deseo que se haya pasado es dolor de cabeza para que puedas disfrutar al máximo de la compañía de tu amiga.
    Yo llevo tres días con un fuerte dolor en mi rodilla que me impide casi caminar y no puedo salir de casa. Me siento encarcelado y torturado por el dolor.
    Un abrazo.



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