Saturday, June 1, 2024

Moment of Zen: Waterfalls

I love the sound of rushing water whether it’s a mountain stream or a waterfall. The sound is infinitely soothing. With that said, today also marks the beginning of Pride Month, and the above picture seems to be the perfect one to kick off the month.


Anonymous said...

Was just at Lake Tahoe last weekend and enjoyed a hike to a beautiful waterfall. Many are spectacular!!

Anonymous said...

Yo amo a todos esos hermosos hombres de las fotos de cascadas, los amo enormemente!


Anonymous said...

Wunderbare Landschaft !
Wir haben Landschaften wie diese in Deutschland, in der Eifel, im Harz, im Erzgebirge, im Pfalzerwald, im Schwarzwald und im Alpenraum.:)