Monday, May 20, 2024

Sweet Dreams

I don’t often remember the dreams that I have, but I was having a very sweet dream this morning. In the dream, I was in high school and did  something I’d have never back then. There was one particular guy I had a “crush” on in high school. Thinking back, I know I had several crushes on different guys, but I wouldn’t let myself think about it that way, but it was these guys I was thinking of when I jerked off at night. There was one particular guy that was in more than his fair share of fantasies, he was who this dream was about. 

I dream went something like this:

I was standing with my back to a wall, and he asked me, “What are you doing tomorrow?” 

I replied that “I didn’t have any plans. Why?”

He said, “I’m supposed to go pick up some guacamole but was wondering if you’d rather play soccer instead.”

(This was a really strange part of the dream because I hate guacamole, and I doubt either of us actually would have known what guacamole was back then. Also, he would have probably asked me to play football or basketball, not soccer.)

I replied, “You know I’m not good with sports, but I am good with balls.” 

(Cheesy, I know, but we were in high school and this was a dream.)

“Really,” he said with a sexy smile.

I sort of stuttered, “W-w-well, I’ve never actually played with anyone else’s balls, but I’d like to.”

“Really. Well, that doesn’t have to wait until tomorrow,” he said and leaned in to kiss me.

I asked if he had somewhere private we could go, and I remember he nodded and started motioning me somewhere…

Just then, I heard a cat meowing. I rolled over hoping to get back to my dream, but as I was still half asleep, I never could get passed the part where he leaned in to kiss me before I heard a cat meowing again. Isabella wanted her breakfast, and she was not going to let me go back to sleep and finish my dream. So, after a few more starts and stops to my dream, I finally opened my eyes and got up and fed her. No matter how much I’d have liked to have finished that dream, I knew it wasn’t going to happen, so I got up and fed her.

Ugh, cock-blocked from such a sweet dream by a cat. So frustrating…


uvdp said...

Dream function is not known and it might be an epiphenomenon originating from synaptic transmission noise. Isabella's meow may have triggered your dream.

Rob T said...

It seems our best dreams often occur just as we are waking up. And when we do we miss out on something we'd like to continue. I had one of them a few days ago.

Dreams aren't in real time either. What might seem a long time could be only a few minutes. Our brains are at work handling what's in storage, it's amazing people from decades ago show up in some of them.

Adam said...

I had a few guy crushes in high school too. The stuff dreams are made of!

Anonymous said...

Isabel es un poco cruel contigo... Deberías de tener una larga conversación con ella, previa petición de audiencia, claro está.


uvdp said...

Anonymous is right.

David said...

Yes indeed as to dream time. I was at Zazenkai, a daylong Zen meditation retreat. Early in the morning I was having trouble staying awake, kept nodding off, then would jerk awake. Each period of meditation begins with the leader hitting a bell three times. Between two of the bell strikes, perhaps 10 seconds, I had a very long and involved and
dream, with many parts.

Anonymous said...

¡Gracias uvdp!
