Friday, June 7, 2024

WFH Friday

For various reasons, I have not taken a work from home Friday in over a month. Last week, I took a WFH day on Tuesday, but my last WFH day that fell on a Friday (my usual day) was back in April. I have some things to work on for a class I’ll be teaching on Monday, but this afternoon, I need to do some shopping for work. I need some supplies for this class, and on Sunday, I need to get some snacks for my students. The class is about four hours long, so they will need a break halfway through.

This week has been a good but busy week. My new director started on Monday, and so far so good. It’s only been a week, but it already seems that she is not only what I was hoping for in a new director, but also what we needed. I am feeling optimistic about this new era at the museum.

And, since I did not post an Isabella pic yesterday as I usually do on Thursdays, I thought I’d make up for it today with two pictures. I have a black faux fur throw blanket that I keep at the foot of my bed. I call it “Isabella’s Invisibility Cloak.” It’s the same color she is and if she doesn’t open her eyes or I’m not expecting her to be there, I don’t see her. It has caught me off guard a few times when the blanket suddenly moved as I walked by and two green eyes unexpectedly appeared. If I’d been looking directly at the blanket I’d have seen her there, but when I see it just in the periphery of my vision, I don’t notice her. The first time it happened, it actually made me jump, but I’m used to it now and usually scratch her little head or pet her as I walk by.

A glare showed up in the picture, but imagine that not being there. She’s naturally camouflaged.
And there are those pretty green eyes, though she looks a little peeved that I woke her up. 


uvdp said...

You do well to wake up Isabella; maybe she will understand that you shouldn't wake up or, on the contrary, she will wake you up earlier and earlier...

Anonymous said...

¡Es preciosa!
Me gusta eso de la manta de la invisibilidad porque además es cierto: pasa inadvertida.
En la segunda foto si se le nota un poco de enfado en su cara.
Dale un beso en una de sus dulces orejitas.


joseph said...

du travail en totale transparence !