Thursday, July 11, 2024


Yesterday was the one year anniversary of major flooding in Vermont. Also yesterday, the remnants of Hurricane Beryl came through Vermont, and we are once again dealing with widespread flooding. For the most part, it doesn’t seem as bad as last year; however, in the small town where I live has three bridges washed out. Last year, my town was lucky and did not have the flood damage seen in much of the state, but all roads leading out of town were closed for several days due to flooding.

According to the local news and the Vermont Department of Transportation, my usual route to work is closed this morning due to “multiple washouts.” I have an alternate route that is currently not closed (as far as I know) though it was closed last year due to flooding. So, it looks like I’ll be able to get to work. Rest assured, I will be careful, and I will not drive through water over the road way. If it looks sketchy, I will not risk it. 

It’s amazing that exactly one year later, we are experiencing some of the same flooding as before. Anyone who does not believe in global warming and its impact needs only to look at places like Vermont. Floods used to be rare in Vermont, now they are yearly. Hurricanes and their remnants rarely reach Vermont, yet we’ve seen major flooding numerous times over the past year alone. July and December of last year and July again this year saw major flooding in areas of Vermont.


JiEL said...

Same here in Montréal as we had 5 to 10cm of rain and some low highways under passes were flooded. It did a major traffic jam in many places in town. Some were stuck in water going up their car doors.
Many were in their cars for 2 or 3 hours trying to get back home at this time of the day.

For many days in july we are having a heat wave but nothing compare to the one in the west of USA o=r Canada. The worst is the humidity as a 32°C is a 45°C with the humidity.
My 5 air conditionnings make my appartment more confortable.

uvdp said...

JiEL : à Marseille on tourne autour de 30°C , temps sec ( un peu de Mistral ) , aussi le ventilateur me suffit ; mais pour la sieste : climatiseur .

JiEL said...

Aujourd'hui on est à 22°C humidex 27°C alors après le passage des restes de Beryl hier le temps est à la légère pluie et une température moins chaude.

J'ai un appartement de 6 pièces et j'ai 5 climatiseurs. Ici dans la province de Québec on a notre société d'état, Hydro Québec, alors le coup de l'électricité est le plus bas au monde et c'est de l'énergie propre car produite par nos nombreux barrages.

Alors on ne se plaint pas car en hiver le froid nous glace.
Heureusement nos maisons sont bien isolées autant pour le froid que la chaleur.

PS, On produit assez d'électricité pour en vendre à nos voisins du sud, les USA, surtout pour New York l'état et la ville et le New Jeresey etc.. Surtout en été car ils climatisent plus que nous.

Anonymous said...

¡Què envidia me estáis causando porque la electricidad en España está MUY cara!


Michael Lucifer said...

That pic of the lad and canoe is probably one effective way of getting around Vermont ATM.