Friday, July 12, 2024

The Recovery Begins

I really don’t have much to say today, but I’ll give an update on the flooding that occurred in Vermont the night before last. Much of Vermont did not suffer flooding to the extent they did last year. My town which had only minor flooding last year was hit pretty hard this time. At least three bridges collapsed and one apartment building (not in my apartment complex) partially collapsed when the road running alongside the building washed out redirecting a creek under half the building. The main road that I take to work is still closed this morning, and I hope it will reopen over the weekend.

I nearly forgot! 

Today is the 14th anniversary of this blog.

I can’t believe I’ve written or posted something to The Closet Professor nearly every day for fourteen years. Thank you for being along with me through this journey. It’s grown into a lot more than I ever expected fourteen years ago, and I have met some wonderful friends through this blog. I feel like we’ve built a community here. 

Thank you for being a friend!

I plan to spend the weekend inside reading. I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!


Michael Lucifer said...

Dear Joe,

Three points today:

1. Well done on achieving 14 years of penning a consistantly high blog of interesting and thoughtful content. I have had a look at some old pieces and your standard is still being maintained.

2. I have looked at the National Weather Service Bulletin re your severe floods. It looks awful. Is this one facet of climate change? Here in UK we have floods from time to time in the low-lying Somerset Levels and around York but not the ferocity of the downpours in Vermont.

3. That pic of the literary lad in the library is one of your best.


Joe said...

The flooding Vermont has experienced in the last couple of years is definitely one facet of climate change. Even our Republican governor (and most Republicans are climate change deniers) said this was an effect of climate change in this press conference yesterday. The lack of cold weather and snow in the winter is also becoming more apparent every year. We may get one or two major snow storms, but for the past two years, it hasn’t remained cold enough in the winter for snow to be on the ground all winter long. When I first moved here, no grass would be seen from December to April. We only had a few weeks of that same degree of snow cover last winter. In fact, there was a second round of flooding in December. Vermont areas have flooded three different times in the past year: last July and December and this July.

Rob T said...

Congratulations on the fourteenth anniversary of your blog. It has been one of the first things I check every morning for years.

There's no doubt that global warming exists, deniers can deny all they want but the evidence is totally on the side recognizing what is happening to our planet.

Here's a piece from Vermont Public Radio on the floods and why they have been so devastating:

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Joe!!

Anonymous said...

Vierzehn Jahre voller guter Zeiten :)
Prosit !

VRCooper said...

Happy Anniversary Joe!!

How time flies when we have fun.

Who says climate change doesn't exist? (Rhetorical)

Stay safe!! Isabella needs her daddy.

uvdp said...

Happy birthday and long life to the blog !
Don't venture out on the roads, stay at home to cuddle Isabella.
Good week-end .

JiEL said...

Tempus fugis... Time is flying so fast..

Good achievement in a world of brainless people.

Celebrate it!

Your old friend from Montréal.

naturgesetz said...

Congrats on the anniversary! Glad you're here.
Nice pic, BTW.

Anonymous said...

¡¡José te envío un fuerte abrazo de 14 minutos de duración!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the 14th anniversary of your blog. I read it every day and have come to know you and appreciate you and your life journey. Best wishes.

Ray said...

Happy Anniversary Joe, and thanks for keeping it going and the most pics as well as you life narrative


Anonymous said...

I enjoy your writing so much. Thank you and keep going.