Wednesday, February 12, 2025

WFH Wednesday

I had to change my usual work from home day from Friday to today this week. I have a class to teach on Friday, so I need to be there. Honestly, it couldn’t come on a better day. Yesterday was incredibly busy and stressful. It’s never a good sign when you have to call your boss with bad news, and her response is, “Oh, shit.” A project that I’ve spent months on all fell apart yesterday. It was not through any fault of my own, but the person I was depending on basically pulled out of the project. 

Luckily, I was able to cancel the announcements before they were mailed out. I also had to pull all of the other promotional materials that had already gone out. While I was able to prevent a public disaster, it took most of my time yesterday. On top of that, I also had class to teach and a meeting off campus yesterday afternoon. Needless to say, I was physically and mentally exhausted by the time I got home.

Oh, and just because I’m working from home, doesn’t mean that everything is peachy. What really started off my day yesterday was that I found out as I was leaving for work that there had been a water main break, and my apartment complex would have our water shut off at 6 pm that night. 

By the time I got home, the notice had changed to an order to conserve water and that only flushing toilets was allowed. I’d planned to wash clothes today, something I often do on my WFH days. Because of a migraine over the weekend, I had put off doing laundry. Thankfully, I have enough clothes for the rest of the week, and I can hope that water is fully restored by this weekend.


Bill said...

Hope you have a lemonade recipe to deal with the lemons that have been handed you!

Anonymous said...

José paciencia, en mi edificio llevan tres días intentando solucionar un problema en la caldera de la calefacción. Los problemas domésticos no entienden de fronteras ;-)