I don’t often get up in the morning and make much for breakfast. I always eat breakfast, but I usually only have time to pop something in the toaster or microwave, but occasionally, I get in the mood to make more. I’m will sometimes make biscuits and gravy or cheese grits. If I am feeling particular energetic, I might even fry up some bacon, dice some potatoes and cook them in a bit of the bacon grease, and scramble some eggs. I feel like doing that this morning. I’d love to have someone here to cook for and share a nice breakfast with, but it’s just me and Isabella, who would prefer her salmon for breakfast. This morning, I am feeling somewhat energetic, and I got some bacon at the grocery store yesterday and when I finish writing this, I plan to fry up some bacon, eggs, and potatoes. I’m working from home today, so I have the leisurely ability to do so. However, unlike the guy in the picture, I put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt to cook in. There is one rule of cooking to always keep in mind, don’t cook bacon naked. Bacon grease is going to pop out of the pan, and you do not want a grease burn on a sensitive area. At least the guy above put on an apron.
Have a great weekend everyone! I have nearly two weeks off work for the holidays. One of those weeks will be spent in Alabama and the other at home recovering/relaxing. I will send some updates while I am in Alabama, but most of my posts will be set up before I leave. Internet can be unreliable where my parents live, but I’ll do my best to let y’all know how I am handling being back in Alabama.
Hope and pray you have a peaceful Christmas without fanfare or hubbub. Merry Christmas!
Merry Xmas !
Have a great weekend, your breakfast post is making me hungry. Agree, never cook bacon in the nude, however, the butt on that guy in the pic, yum!
Tenemos la misma opinión sobre ese MUY hermoso trasero y esa bellísima espalda. Yo quiero un cocinero como él.
José este próximo domingo se juega la lotería de Navidad. Si gano un buen premio prometo acompañarte para cocinar ricos platos, pero mejor vestidos, hace mucho frío en tu tierra y además Isabel se merece toda la elegancia del mundo... Aunque si alguno de tus alumnos se ofrece a... ;-)
Merry Christmas Joe!
Sweet cheeks on the cook, tempted to untie the apron and provide some pre- Christmas cheer. :)
-CA jock
José no he ganado nada en la lotería, no podré visitarte, lo siento.
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