Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Work, Work, Work

How is it possible that it is only Wednesday? Monday dragged on, and while Tuesday went by fairly quickly, I was busy all day. This week has felt like it is dragging very slowly, like Friday is an eternity away. Yesterday did not feel like a Tuesday at all, and now I have to face Wednesday. I was hunched over my computer all day  at work yesterday (obviously with clothes on and not like the model above) preparing for a class, and though I got up a few times for this or that, I felt absolutely exhausted by the time I got home. It was one of those tirednesses that take over your whole body. By the time I got inside my apartment, my body was screaming to get out of my work clothes and lay down and not ever move again. Obviously, I did move again because I eventually had to heat up my dinner. It wasn’t really any better last night when I went to bed or, for that matter, this morning when I woke up. I have a busy day of stuff today as well.  Maybe today will fly by quickly. Then, I’ll do it all again tomorrow. 

If only I were independently wealthy, then I could be on a warm beach somewhere, or if I had to be somewhere cold, a nice chalet in the Alps. Maybe I’d be in an apartment in Florence overlooking a piazza or in Venice looking out the window overlooking the Grand Canal. Whatever it would be, I’d be enjoying a good book and putting all my worries aside, at least for a little while. I guy can dream, can’t he?


uvdp said...

if i were a rich man

I'm very disappointed ๐Ÿ˜‚, Joe, that you don't mention Marseille which is the most beautiful and ancient city in France, Paris...

Joe said...

I didn't mention Marseille because I only mentioned places I have been before. I would love to visit Marseille one day, maybe "if I were a rich man."

Anonymous said...

Oviedo no es Marsella, pero tiene su encanto...