Thursday, December 19, 2024

Half Day

We were expecting 3-5” of snow last night, but it seemed to have been more of a rain event. It was raining when I went to bed last night and when I woke up this morning, we had less than an inch of snow. I’m hoping that the small amount of snow we’ve received is not hiding a layer of ice. I hate when there is a layer of ice below because it makes it deceptively slippery when walking to my car, and it will make it much more difficult to clean the snow off my car so I can actually drive to work.

I’m only working half a day today. I have an audiology appointment this afternoon. Tomorrow, I will be working from home, so this morning is the last time I have to go to the museum until we return from the holiday break on January 2. I need a break from the museum, but I am not sure that next week, which I will be spending in Alabama, will provide the necessary rest (mentally and physically) that I need right now.

Putting all that aside, I owe y’all some Isabella pics. Yes, I said pics, as in more than one, because here are a few Isabella Christmas pictures. The first two pictures are from her first Christmas, which she spent with a coworker while I was in Alabama. The other two are from a few years ago.


uvdp said...

Isabella, is she climbing the Christmas tree?

VRCooper said...

Alabama!! Really!!??

CAAZ said...

So cute.

naturgesetz said...
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naturgesetz said...

Nice trees at your place.

Anonymous said...

Isabel se toma muy en serio sus dos papeles: el de reina y el de modelo

uvdp said...

It's nice to see Isabella young