Monday, December 9, 2024

Mondays Suck

No doubt about it, Mondays suck! Y’all have heard me say this before, but I feel this way every Monday that I have to go to work. It’s not like I don’t wake up on the weekends at the same time as I do on weekdays. Isabella doesn’t recognize whether it is a weekend or weekday; she wants to be fed. I went to bed early last night. I fell asleep while reading sometime between 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm, and when I woke up, I decided that I just needed to go back to sleep. I tried to stay up a little while longer, but I was asleep again by 9:00 pm. I mention this for two reasons: 1) when I go to bed early, it messes up Isabella’s internal clock, and she tries to wake me up earlier than usual, and 2) I woke up not feeling like I had slept longer than usual. I could have probably ignored Isabella a bit longer, but I could not ignore my bladder. 

The good news is that I don’t really have to deal with people today, unless we get visitors to the museum who actually need me for something. My coworkers will not be at work today because one coworker, who is always off on Mondays, had other commitments that could not bear change and the other had something urgent come up that called her away from the office. I don’t mind being there by myself. There will be people in the library but they rarely bother me. It’s our last week with students on campus, so everyone will be busy with final exams making it even quieter. They will be back after winter break. It should be a peaceful day. I can get work done that interruptions would have been an annoyance, and I can be more relaxed, meaning I can read a book. I actually have two books that are part of work that I need to read and a few journal articles to read that I will probably assign to my class next semester, so it might not be reading for pleasure like I’d prefer, but we’ll see how that goes.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


uvdp said...

Thank you for all these cats.
It is advisable to go to bed at the same time every day. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for Isabella... 😼

Fiddleheads said...

Reading your message to us, your online students, just made my life better. Wishing you a good day and week ahead, our esteemed professor.

VRCooper said...

Have a great Monday and week!!

Anonymous said...

Propongo que este nuestro profesor nos envΓ­e fotos de los estudiantes mΓ‘s guapos de este aΓ±o.