Monday, August 21, 2023

Blue Days

If you have or know someone who suffers from depression, you probably know that no matter how much their antidepressants work, there will still be blue days, or just a case of the blahs. If you have plans to do something, you can’t dredge up the energy to actually follow through. You don’t want to talk to anyone, and you probably don’t want to get off the couch all day, that is if you got out of bed at all.

Yesterday was one of those days for me. The most I could get myself to do was to lay on the couch and binge watch Only Murders in the Building. I made some soup for lunch, but that’s as energetic as it gets. I received some lovely comments on yesterday’s post that I wanted to respond to, but it was not a good day to try to communicate. (Don’t worry, I’ll respond later today.) When I’m like this, I find it hard to communicate with anyone, no matter the mode of communication.

I’m feeling better. Days like yesterday usually don’t last more than about 24 hours or so. I’m not tip top this morning, but I’m at least more functional.


Stan said...

Hey, Joe. I'm glad you're feeling better. I wish you and everyone a great week.

naturgesetz said...

Spmetimes I wonder if I'm depressed. I get up in time to go to Mass every morning, and if there are other events, such as meetings, I generally go to them, but I'd rather nap for several hours in the afternoon than do any of the things I though I'd do (like pay bills or tidy up the house). Sitting at the computer scrolling through facebook is my principal evening activity, it seems. Then again, maybe I'm just lazy.

BosGuy said...

Hope you're in a better state now. Thinking positively, after today is over, the work week will be 40% done!

Joe said...

Stan, I hope you have wonderful week as well.

I sometimes wonder if it I just plain laziness or if the depression makes me lazy, naturgesetz,

Thanks, BosGuy. I am feeling better.