Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Hump Day

It’s Wednesday, or Hump Day, but sadly, no one is humping me. 😂 I’m ready for this week to be over with and I only work half a day on Monday. My migraine seems to be better this morning, but I had to leave work early Monday and stayed home yesterday. Even with my headache better, I did not want to get out of bed, but alas, I need to go to work today. Not because I have anything to do at work, but I need to go to the pharmacy at lunch and pick up some prescription refills. If I’m going to drive into town, o might as well also work, or at least sit at my desk and appear to work.

I’m other news, I found out that I did not get the job I’d interviewed for a week or so ago. They decided to go with someone with more experience at a “high traffic” historic site. I can understand that as my museum numbers our visitors in the thousands while they measure theirs in millions. It was probably the nicest rejection email I’ve ever received. The director said she wish it could be better news as she enjoyed meeting me and getting the chance to chat. I thought that was pretty nice. As a friend of mine said, “It's their loss, and a big one.” I’m not so sure that’s true, but I think I’d have been very good at the job.


JiEL said...

Sorry for that sad news of that future job in Boston but as we say in French: une de perdue, dix de retrouvée. ( One lost, ten found )

For the hump day well join the club of the lonely single men.
I don't even remember how it is to have sex with another man..

VRCooper said...


Sorry, you did not get the job or even invited back for further interviews.

I am surprised they gave a reason. Many organizations today do not want to open themselves to liabilities.

That is why I call bullshit to their reasoning. One could argue their point and cause a stink. After a while, the amount of visitors is just another visitor. What you would do for thousands you would do for millions. I don't buy it. It's like someone asking me what is the most employees I have managed. After 10 or so it is just rinse and repeat. The answer for me is over 30. At that level let's hope they have a few assistant managers or team leads-whatever they want to call them. Also, I have hired folks that have had no experience in healthcare. The phrase is called "transferable skills." You have the foundation, you are good at your job, and you have great references from folks who know your work... My thought is well if he can blossom there he can bloom here as well. How in the hell do they expect folks to gain experience at a busier museum. Reminds me when I first obtained my undergrad in health care administration. I had no management experience and folks would not hire me because of it. They would actually say it. I wanted to blurt out "How in the hell do you expect me to obtain experience if you will not hire me?" The same when I obtained my MPH. "Victor, You have no public health exprience." Transferable skills baby!

Well on to the next interview!

Now if you can provide me the name of the museum and interviewer I can have a little talk with them. I'll play nice. Well, just don't get me fired up.

uvdp said...

Sorry, but out of every failure something better can come out.

Joe said...

VRCooper, it may be a bullshit reason, especially since this museum's staff is essentially the same size as my current museum's. If 6 people and volunteers can handle 4 m million visitors a year, I'm pretty sure I could as well. I really appreciate your righteous indignation on my behalf. For whatever the reason, I really do think this was for the best. I would have been great at the job. It would have kept me much busier than I am in my current job, and I would have enjoyed working with other museums throughout Boston. However, the salary really wasn't what I was looking for, especially to live in Boston. It was more than my current salary, but I'm not sure it was a big enough increase to actually take the job.

And while this is not a legitimate reason, there are some major changes happening at my current museum, and I really am needed most here. I may have some differences with my coworkers, but they have realized, they need me and are more often than not coming to me for guidance. Maybe that's my own vanity for feeling needed, I know that right now, I am. Also, I would really hate to leave them in the very touch situation they would find themselves in if I left. Maybe they deserve to be left in the lurch for the way they have treated me in the past, but it appears they genuinely have realized they, not me, was in the wrong and are sorry for their behavior. Then again, all that might be wishful thinking.

Joe said...

Oh, and one more thing: if I do find another job somewhere else, I will know it's the right job to take. Plus, I really enjoy working in a university museum, I just hate that the majority of them are art museums, and I'm a historian. I wish I had more of a background and experience with Art History, especially since I will be teaching semester-long class on it this fall.

naturgesetz said...

I'm sorry to hear you didn't get the job, but it's good that things seem to be looking up where you are now. Job satisfaction is a very good thing to have, and when you know you're needed, that goes a long way. Knowing you're appreciated makes it even better.