Saturday, January 13, 2024

Moment of Zen: Reading

Since I’ve had Covid, there hasn’t been a lot to do except rest. I can’t go anywhere. One blessing is this week of sickness has been no migraines (until yesterday). I was migraine free for nearly seven days, which is the longest I’ve gone without a migraine in years. I love books, but I often end up listening to audiobooks because migraines can affect my vision and it’s difficult to actually read a book. With no headache for the last week and nowhere to go and nothing to see, I began to read. I’ve basically read a book a day, something that I haven’t done in so long that I can’t even remember when it was. I love books but I also love to read, and so, I’ve been catching up on reading. While all of these guys have physical books, I’ve been using my Kindle, but I have thoroughly enjoyed reading again.


Anonymous said...

Reading is good for the mind and body.

RB said...

Will you take a few weeks of sick leave to get over the Covid? Maybe with some rest your brain will calm?

Joe said...

RB, I won’t be taking any more time. I need to be back at work on Monday. I’m woefully behind and need to get caught up. I’m feeling pretty good at this point.