Thursday, January 25, 2024

Nothing 🤷🏻

I was trying to think of something to write this morning, but honestly, I’ve got nothing. While Isabella woke me up early this morning (beginning at 3 am but with limited success until 4:45 am), my body is awake, but I’m not so sure my brain is awake yet this morning.


Anonymous said...

BB KING: The Thrill is Gone?

Reading today’s entry brought that now famous Blues song to mind. Like you, there are days when I am at a total blank for writing in my journal.

About a decade ago, I discovered Julia Cameron’s book The Artist Way. I had just changed my career trajectory, and moved into management. Heads Up: Things often appear better than they are in reality. As a department director, I began spending more and more time coordinating proposal development. Prior to taking the position, writing was nearly effortless. As time passed, it became nothing short of sheer drudgery; no less painful than a cold shower and prostrate exam — simultaneously.

The better angles of common sense eventually prevailed. I transitioned to working in higher education, and doing teaching basic engineering fundamentals courses (freshman & sophomore classes).

My point is twofold: 1.) You’ve had the fortitude and persistence to blog daily for years. That is a testament to character and commitment. And 2.) now at midlife, one comes to realize that some days, we all draw a blank. For me, inspiration comes when I’m not overly focused on outcomes and outputs. Doing something as mundane as laundry, or while volunteering at the senior center can lead to an inspirational epiphany.

So take heart, we’ve all “been there” — just facing a blank canvas. Gotta go, my Metro stop is coming up.

Peace & Continued Wellness.

Joe said...

Thanks for the advice. I had the opportunity to possibly move into management recently, but I like my current job too much to move to a more stressful job. Working in Higer Ed can be rewarding. I've always found that to be the case, as long as you don't get in the way of academic bureaucracy, which I find almost as bad as government bureaucracy.