Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Getting Over the Hump

I worked from home yesterday. Usually, I work from home on Fridays but last week and this week, we are having visitors to the museum that I have to be there to meet with. It will be another long Friday because I am taking our guest to dinner Friday night. Luckily, there are no major tasks to be done today or tomorrow. I have a meeting this morning and am meeting with a photographer this afternoon for him to take photos of one of our artifacts.

What I’d really like to do today is stay in bed and either read or lay in the dark. Last night as I was getting ready for bed, I started seeing an aura, a reliable sign that a migraine is coming. Since the second round of Botox injections, my migraines have been so much better, but nothing is likely to make them go away completely. With seeing the aura last night, it’s no surprise that I have the beginnings of a migraine. It’s been steadily getting worse the longer I’m awake. 

If it gets significantly worse, I may not be at work all day, though I hope that doesn’t happen. As much as I’d like to stay home today, I have at least one thing to do today which I need access to my desktop computer for. The other reason I’m hoping it doesn’t get worse is that I really need to go by the grocery store on my way home today. It’s something I’ve been putting off that i should have done over the weekend. Going grocery shopping with a migraine is never a good idea because even with a list, I’ll still forget something in my rush to get in and out of the store.

Anyway, that’s all the babbling stream of consciousness I have for today. Have a great day, everyone!


Ray said...

Ok, Joe, it is now Thursday and how are you doing with your migraine? Luckily I have never had one, except for stress headaches from time to time. Best wishes.


Ray said...

Ok, Joe, it is now Thursday and how are you doing with your migraine? Luckily I have never had one, except for stress headaches from time to time. Best wishes.


Joe said...

Ray, while it’s still Wednesday where I am, I did pretty well most of the day, but for the last hour or so, my headache has been worsening. I suspect I may be going to bed early tonight.

Anonymous said...

...on dirait une image d'un jeune dans un hôtel de luxe sur la Riviera à Antibes, Cannes, Menton, Monaco, St. Tropez et Villefranche, et en Italie à Portofino, San Remo et Ventimiglia. Dans les airs frais et parfumés, une journée de repose et une soirée de plaisir.
-Beau Mec à Deauville

uvdp said...

Beau Mec à Deauville : et pourquoi pas à Deauville ?

Anonymous said...

Joe espero y deseo que tu migraña sea de corta duración, sinceramente.
Me llama la atención una cosa: ¿que habéis cenado el visitante y tu? Es solo curiosidad culinaria. Tengo interés en conocer los hábitos alimentícios de otros países.


Joe said...

Ángel, fuimos a un restaurante italiano y comí salmón asado sobre risotto con pimientos, alcaparras y alcachofas, deseo una salsa ligera de vino blanco. Mi invitado comió salmón a la parrilla sobre puré de papas con ajo y espárragos.

Anonymous said...

¡HUMMM que ricos platos los dos! Pero eso no son platos típicos americanos
